Friday, April 15, 2011

Just a Thought.

Yesterday, Thomas and I were riding in the car when we saw a young girl sitting on the curb by a local McDonalds. In her hands was a hand-written sign saying "Out of gas. Any little bit helps." 
Immaturely, and with some "uppity-ness", I turned to Thomas and said, "It's too bad we can't just give out money like that because we don't know what she'll actually use it for...."

Right as the words had left my mouth, the reality hit us both... Does it matter? Did I know the story of this begging girl? No. But did I need to? Did Jesus say to the blind beggar "Oh. I'm sorry, I could restore your sight if I wanted to but, I dont know how you'll use your eyes if I do" ? Did he say, "Give to the poor, but only if you know them personally and know how they are going to use what you give them" ? No.

He said,   ''I tell you the truth, whatever you did do
for one of the least of these, you did do for me.''

Where are our priorities? "fixing" people... or loving/serving them?

Maybe this could just be somethng we could all think about...
Think about how much God has given each of us; how much He has blessed all of us, and what we can do to help those who need it most.....
just a thought.

love and word,

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